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Online Services

In this section, you can book not only assessment services for Investor Visa for Italy but also all the other assessment services offered by Mazzeschi SRL.

Before booking a call or a written assessment, we highly recommend contacting us first at and writing a brief explanation of your case and your questions. (No cost will be applied for this step)

f you have already talked with one of our consultants and/or lawyers and has been directed to proceed with the online service, please proceed selecting the service that applies to your case.

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VERSIÓN en Español

El servicio incluye:

  • Evaluación escrita por uno de nuestros consultores de ciudadanía.


Pasos del Servicio

  1. Una vez que se confirme el pago, le enviaremos  una guía con el enlace del formulario online.
  2. El Cliente deberá rellenar el formulario y enviarlo.
  3. Uno de nuestros consultores de ciudadanía revisará el formulario completo y se comunicará con su correo electrónico con los resultados de la evaluación.
  4. Si el cliente lo solicita, será posible fijar una llamada online (max. 30min), una vez que el formulario haya sido enviado por parte del cliente.
  5. En el caso de que decida continuar con la solicitud de su ciudadanía italiana (dentro de los primeros 2 meses de la fecha del asesoramiento), a través de nuestros servicios, recibirá un descuento directo de 250 euros.
  6. Si tiene alguna pregunta, puede contactarnos directamente a:
  7. IMPORTANTE: el servicio no será reembolsable aunque el resultado sea que usted no es elegible a la ciudadanía italiana.




The service includes:

  • Written Assessment by one of our citizenship consultant.

Steps of the Service

  1. Once the payment is confirmed, we willsend you an online form.
  2. The Client shall fill the form and submit it.
  3. One of our Citizenship Consultant will review the filled form and contact to your email with the results of the assessment.
  4. When requested, it is possible to fix an online call (max. 30 min) with one of our Citizenship Consultant once the online form had been submitted.
  5. In the event that you decide to continue with the application for your Italian citizenship (within the first 2 months from the date of the advice), through our services, you will receive a direct discount of 250 euros.
  6. If you have any questions you can contact us directly to:
  7. IMPORTANT: the service will not be refundable even if the result is that you are not eligible for Italian citizenship.


    Italian Citizenship: Paid Assessment

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