The Investor Visa for Italy (Italian Golden Visa) gives you the right to obtain your Italian Residency.
Attention! Italy does not offer citizenship by investment but it has an attractive residency by investment program.
Get your Italian Residency by Investment
The Investor Visa for Italy allows you to obtain your Italian Residency. However, there are some important points that you should take into account.
The obtainment of the Italian residency isn't automatic.
This means, that having an Investor Visa for Italy allows you to request residency in Italy. Therefore, if you want to get the Italian residency (once you have fulfilled the immigration formalities), you must apply for it at the local Town Hall (Comune).
Our immigration consultants can help you register your residency in Italy.
I have obtained my Italian Investor Visa, when can I register my residency in Italy?
In order to register your residency, you should enter Italy and request your permit of stay (which is called officially in Italian: permesso di soggiorno). Once you have applied for the permit of stay, it is possible to request your residency at the local Town Hall. However, some offices are more strict and they might prefer to wait before processing your residency until you will officially obtain your permit of stay.
What do I need to register my residency in Italy?
The official requirements and list of documents will depend on where you will be registering your residence. However, the lease contract (registered at the Italian Revenue Agency - Agenzia delle Entrate) or the real estate purchase contract, the request or permit of stay and the Italian Tax Code (Codice Fiscale) are mandatory requirements.
How long does it take to obtain my residency in Italy?
Also, this point will depend on where you are going to register your residency in Italy. Some cities process the residency applications within a couple of months, yet in some other cases (for example in Milan) it can even take 6 months or more before your residency will be officially registered.
Before registering your residency in Italy
As above indicated, the Investment Visa for Italy offers the right to register your residency in Italy, however, this is not mandatory. So, you can choose whether to register or not your residency in Italy.
One important thing to consider is that registering your residency in Italy will have tax implications. So, it is advisable to discuss also with your accountant or financial agent.