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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Investor Visa for Italy

This article has been prepared by our Investor Visa for Italy experts. In this article, you will find the answers to the most asked questions about Investor Visa for Italy.


1. Are there any restrictions related to the nationality of visa applicants?

No, but the applicant will need to provide evidence that the funds to be invested are compliant with anti-money laundering regulations.

2. What is the most popular and safest investment?

€ 2 Million Gov.t bonds or € 500K shares of publicly listed company.

3. Which types of investment in non listed companies do qualify for an investor visa?

Both capital increases and the purchase of shares already issued are considered as qualifying investments.

4. Is it possible to purchase shares of more than one company per single application?

No, the investment must be directed to only one company per application. By extension, it is also not allowed to combine different types of investment (e.g. direct part of the amount to a donation and part to an investment in shares).

5. Can the target company be selected at a later stage? For example, after the application has been submitted?

No, it can't. Also, the applicant will need to provide evidence that the funds to be invested

are compliant withanti-money laundering regulations.

6. How long is the processing time to obtain the Ministry’s approval?

It takes about 30 days from the day of the application.

7. When shall I do the investment?

Within 3 months from arrival in Italy.

8. Is it possible to obtain the visa without going to the Italian Consulate?

No, the applicant must go in person to the Consular office in charge of the jurisdition of his/her habitual residence.

9. How long is the permit for?

Initially, a 2-years permit of stay will be issued. Then, it can be extended for another 3 years upon maintaining the investment.

10. Do I need to spend any minimum time in Italy?

No, there is no minimum period that the investor visa holder should spend in Italy.

11. Can I bring my family with me?

Yes, it is possible to bring the family member to Italy. Yet, they will need to ask for family permit and only the following family members can ask this permit.

  1. Spouses not legally separated and aged over 18.

  2. Minor children — including those of the spouse, or thosebornoutofwedlock—whoareunmarried, provided that the other parent has given his or her consent.

  3. Dependent children aged over 18, if for objective reasons they are unable to provide for their essential needsduetohealthconditionsimplyingtotal disability.

  4. Dependent parents, if they do not have any other children in the country of origin, or parents over 65 years of age,if the other children are unable to upport them due to serious and duly documented health conditions.

12. After I obtain the visa,can I travel freely to other Schengen countries?

Yes, but within the limit of 90 days any 180 day period.

13. Do I need to have an accomodation?

Yes, for the purpose of obtaining the Police permit, the applicant is required to have an accomodation, which can be either a rented or owned property.

14. Can I apply for permanent residency?

After5years,itispossibletorequestfora permanentresidencypermit,however,the

applicant must meet several requirements, for example, registration of the residency in Italy

at the City Hall, to pass a language test, to file tax returns, etc.

15. Can I apply for Italian citizenship?

Yes, but only, after 10 years of continued residency in Italy.

16. Does Italy offer any tax incentives to new residents?


  • a € 100,000 yearly flat tax on any foreign income.

  • 50% exemption on income from self employed and employed work.

  • a 7% tax for pensioners who move their residence to certain municipalities of the Centre and South Italy.

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